Call for Workshops

We invite proposals for workshops to be held at CMMR2019. Workshops provide an opportunity for delegates to interact in a context of shared interests and focused discussion, hereby favoring meaningful networking whilst addressing research, practice, or education issues, and generating ideas for creative applications.

We encourage proposals for two different kinds of workshops: hands-on/interactive workshops and regular workshops. We accept proposals of workshops lasting 2h, a half day, or a full day.

The CMMR workshops will take place either during the main conference (14-18th October 2019), the preceding week end (12-13 October 2019), or the following week end (19-20 October 2019). This will depend on the scope of the workshop, the preferences of the organisers, and the conference program.

Hands-on/interactive workshops promote a structured communal activity to help build community participation and interaction amongst delegates.

Hands-on/interactive workshops enable communal knowledge exchange through group-based activities (e.g. doing, making, hacking, sharing). They should not be based on oral sessions with paper presentations (regular workshops), but short presentations or tutorials from the organisers, invited speakers and participants could be included if they support communal activities or reflections. For instance, hack sessions could be preceded by presentations of computing tools, programming interfaces or demos needed for the shared activities.

Regular workshops provide a forum for presentations and discussions on topics related to the proposed theme or other emerging and specialised topics of interest to the CMMR community. Regular workshops can solicit the submission of papers to be presented during oral sessions, but this is not compulsory. In case of paper submission, the review process will be managed by the workshop organisers in collaboration with the CMMR chairs. Workshop papers must follow the same guidelines and schedule as the Paper track (see Authors instructions & Submission section), so that they can be considered for inclusion in the conference proceedings.

In addition to oral sessions where participants present their work, we encourage the organisers of regular workshops to include sessions enabling delegates to discuss issues, methods and research topics related to the workshop theme through mini-tutorials, panels or focus groups. Workshop organisers should facilitate discussion, help maintain productive interaction, and encourage participation. Diversity of perspectives should be encouraged.

Ubiquitous Music Workshop

(link above)

Submission information

Please check the Important dates and Authors instructions & Submission sections of the website.


For more information or questions, please contact the workshop chair: cmmr2019-demo (at)