Call for Demos
CMMR2019 welcomes contributions from researchers, educators, members of industry, composers, performers, software developers, librarians, and others with an interest in image, sound and music-related topics.
Original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following topics:
Audio Signal Processing
Artificial intelligence and cognitive science for sound and music
Auditory perception and cognition
Augmented musical instruments
Computational musicology
Cooperative music networks
Digital Communities
Digital music libraries
Evaluation of creative music systems
Intelligent music tutoring systems
Live coding
Mapping and sonification
Motion and gesture
Multimodal perception
Music and emotions
Music games and interactive learning
Music information retrieval
Music interface design
Music production and composition tools
Music representation and visualisation
Music structure analysis
Music transcription
Musically inspired HCI
Optical music recognition
Semantic web
Sound and architecture
Sound and music in visual media
Sound source separation
Sound synthesis
User studies (e.g. ethnography, usability of music software)
Virtual and augmented reality
All demo submissions will be peer-reviewed to ensure quality and suitability. Please prepare demo submissions according to the Instructions for authors section.