Instructions for music

Music submissions should include:
1. One PDF document of up to three A4 pages, to be submitted through the submission system, specifying the following information:

  • bullet blue  Author name(s), affiliations (if relevant), and contact information
  • bullet blue  Title of proposed performance
  • bullet blue  Program notes (1-3 paragraphs)
  • bullet blue  Indication if the performance relates to a separate presentation in the technical programme (in this case, please specify the title, authors and submission number of the separate submission)
  • bullet blue  Duration and instrumentation
  • bullet blue  Names of performers, if applicable
  • bullet blue  Composer — and performer(s), if applicable — short biographies
  • bullet blue  Detailed description of technical requirements, including equipment, setup and rehearsal time
  • bullet blue  Stage plot and input list for live performances
  • bullet blue  URL of the archive file described below

2. One archive file in the ZIP or TGZ format with the following documents (limit of 100MB per submission):

  • bullet blue  Audio file(s). For multichannel submissions, please provide a stereo mix if possible.
  • bullet blue  All performer scores (if applicable)
  • bullet blue  Video files (if applicable)

Please note that the archive file should be made available from the web and not uploaded through the submission system directly. The author should ensure that the URL is available and working throughout the review process.